the valium cold turkey
or, the friends he didn’t have would have said they should have done something sooner
I’d read all the Beats
but never seen it for real
as the valium cold turkey
fell through the doorway
after knocking too drunk
to think to ring the bell
and then no surprise when
after flowing fall into bow
less of grace more near-paralysis
first thing he asks in single limp
descending breath is if we’ve seen
his greenish tab-packing pal.
He’s clever though
studies this stuff
can explain in terms
you wouldn’t understand
why he’s absolutely fine
and you’re absolutely wrong
though a benzodiazepine
withdrawal syndrome
that’s only a half day old
has already taken hold
and prompted the binge
to fill the hole.
So I’ve seen it for real
now slumped on the edge
of the bed there it is
elbows and wrist bleeding
onto the sheets then the wall
when he laid back to take a call
from the narc apprentice
so I pulled down his sleeves
to stop anything else
being smeared this
ethanol-and-fuck-knows-what-else-infused red.